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Author Profile

Margaret McCarthy | Senior Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management, Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies

Margaret McCarthy | Senior Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management, Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies

Current Position and Past Experience
Margaret McCarthy, senior director of marketing and enrollment management, oversees brand management, marketing, recruiting, events, and admissions for Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies. Margaret came to Northwestern University five years ago after seven-plus years at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she served as executive director of marketing communications in its central administration.

McCarthy built her communications career at three public relations and affairs agencies, including Jasculca/Terman and Associates, a leading public affairs firm in Chicago. There she worked on projects for former president Bill Clinton, then first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, the City of Chicago, Cook County Juvenile Court, A. Finkl Steel & Sons, and DeVry, Inc.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McCarthy earned her bachelor’s degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and holds a master’s degree in English literature from Marquette University, where she taught freshman composition to full-time students and part-time adult learners.

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