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Author Profile

Marc Satin | Chief Operating Officer, Enrollment Rx

Marc Satin | Chief Operating Officer, Enrollment Rx

Current Position and Past Experience
Marc has been laser-focused on the higher education market for more than a decade.

As the Chief Operating Officer at Enrollment Rx, he focuses on developing and implementing solutions built on the platform, while ensuring widespread customer adoption and success. Since joining Enrollment Rx in 2008, Marc has overseen more than 100 CRM projects with deployments ranging from small engagements to large enterprise CRM deployments across the student lifecycle.

Prior to joining Enrollment Rx, Marc held various Admissions and Operations roles during his five years at Kaplan University. In his last role as Executive Director of Admissions, Marc managed the start-up and expansion of Kaplan University’s West Coast Office, which included admissions and financial aid counselors, academic advising and staff development.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Marc is a certified developer, Six Sigma certified and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Marc donates time to non-profits to assist them in optimizing their usage of CRM. He likes to travel, play golf and is an overall sports fan.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review