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Author Profile

Loradonna Botter | Director of Organizational Design, William Osler Health System

Loradonna Botter | Director of Organizational Design, William Osler Health System

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2008, Loradonna Botter has been the Director of Organizational Design at William Osler Health System. Prior to this, Botter has owned her own consulting firm, and has held both managerial and directorship positions in Honda Manufacturing, Roma Moulding Inc., and Magna Powertrain, a Group within Magna International.

Botter has also taught as a part-time instructor at Georgian College, and Humber College in the Human Resources Management program. She has co-authored a book on the topic of knowledge management.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Botter holds a Masters Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Stevens Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Organization and Management from Capella University, and she obtained her certificate in Human Resources Management through the Executive Development Program through the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto.

Botter was named “One of the Top 40 Trainers under 40” by Training Magazine.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In her spare time, Botter volunteers as the Diversity Development Chair for South Central region with the Canadian Cancer Society.

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