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Author Profile

Linda Silva | Assistant Professor, American Public University System

Linda Silva | Assistant Professor, American Public University System

Current Position and Past Experience
Silva is an Assistant Professor at American Public University System where she teaches American and World Literature along with Modern Epic Fantasy and African Literature.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Silva received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in English from California State University at Hayward. She earned her Master's degree in history from AMU in 2012.

She is a four time award winning novelist with 21 published novels.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Silva has written mysteries, historical fiction, and now, urban fantasy. Her latest is a zombie series and she is working on a Demon Hunter series. When not teaching or writing, Linda rides her 2003 Harley, plays competitive tennis, collects tattoos, and travels extensively. She is preparing for her next trip, which will take her to Australia and recently returned from an African safari where she was charged by an elephant.

You can find Silva on the web through her personal website.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt