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Author Profile

Lillian Taiz | President, California Faculty Association

Lillian Taiz | President, California Faculty Association

Current Position and Past Experience
Lillian Taiz is currently the President of the California Faculty Association. She is a Professor of History at California State University, Los Angeles.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Taiz earned her BA and MA from San Francisco State University, and her PhD from UC Davis.

She is the author of, Hallelujah Lads and Lasses: Remaking the Salvation Army in the United States, 1880-1930 (2001) published by the University of North Carolina Press.

She is also the recipient of a Fellowship from Yale University’s Pew Program in Religion and American History.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
As a product of the California’s community college, CSU and UC systems, Taiz considers herself a “poster child” for all that California’s Master Plan for Public Higher Education can offer the working people of this state.

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