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Author Profile

Lester Lefton | President Emeritus, Kent State University

Lester Lefton | President Emeritus, Kent State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Lester Lefton is President Emeritus of Kent State University after serving as the university’s President and CEO from 2006-2014.

Lefton began his higher education career in 1972, joining the University of South Carolina as an assistant professor. During his time at USC, Lefton served as the chair of the psychology department and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. In 1997, Lefton moved to George Washington University where he took on the role of Dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences for four years. In 2001, Lefton took on the role of Senior Vice President and Provost of Tulane University, where he served for five years before joining Kent State.

Lefton currently serves as the Principal of Lefton Group Education Advisors.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lefton earned his BS in Psychology from Northeastern University and his PhD from the University of Rochester.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lefton is an avid photographer, maintains a photo website ( and has had shows of his work.

You can connect with Lefton on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review