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Leon Wyden Jr. | Vice President for Business Affairs, University of Findlay

Leon Wyden Jr. | Vice President for Business Affairs, University of Findlay

Current Position and Past Experience
Leon Wyden Jr. currently serves as the Vice President for Business Affairs at the University of Findlay, a role he accepted in 2016. From 2012-2016, Wyden served as the Vice President for Finance and Administration at Tiffin University. This followed his time as Associate Vice President of Finance and Planning at Upper Iowa University.

A Certified Public Accountant, Wyden’s first position in higher education was as Deputy Controller at Howard University. He began his career with Ernst and Young in Detroit, and was later recruited to work for the pharmaceutical giant, Johnson & Johnson in New Brunswick, NJ. This was the start of a 28 year career that saw him serve in senior financial positions at companies across Michigan.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Wyden earned his BBA in Accounting from the University of Detroit.

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