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Kyle Albert | Education and Social Division Junior Researcher, Techie Doodlers

Kyle Albert | Education and Social Division Junior Researcher, Techie Doodlers

Current Position and Past Experience
Kyle Albert has been actively involved in ed-tech drives in London since 2011. He currently works for an upstart tech blog as a researcher and writer specializing in the integration between technology and education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Albert has an undergraduate degree in Business Technology Management from the University of Greenwich. He is currently finishing his master’s thesis about the implications of distance and digital learning on learners across all age demographics.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Albert passionately believes that mobile technology is a significant tool in education and is enthusiastic about various trends in the industry, including MOOCs, O2’s The Learn and emerging Web 2.0 resources including augmented reality technologies. He considers traveling the world as a volunteer technology educator to kids as his greatest achievement so far. He plans on initiating ‘Teach for Tomorrow’, a collective effort from peers in the industry to spread ed-tech across the world, in the nearest future.

You can find Albert and some of his works on the web at his Techie Doodlers page. You may also contact him on Twitter @KyleAlbert9.

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