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Author Profile

Kishia Brock | Vice President of Strategy and Compliance, Maricopa Community Colleges

Kishia Brock | Vice President of Strategy and Compliance, Maricopa Community Colleges

Current Position and Past Experience
Kishia Brock currently serves as the Vice President of Strategy and Compliance at Maricopa Community Colleges. Before working for Maricopa Community Colleges, Brock served at Rio Salado College as the Vice President of Student Affairs. Her previous positions with Rio Salado include Dean of Enrollment Management, Associate Dean of Student Services, Director of Student Services, Coordinator of Academic Advisement, and Academic Advisor.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Brock earned her MA in Higher Education Leadership from Northern Arizona University and her Post-Master Certificate in Enrollment Management from Capella University. In 2014 Brock earned her doctorate of Philosophy in Leadership for Higher Education from Capella University.

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