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Author Profile

Kimberly Handy | Teacher, Anchorage School District

Kimberly Handy | Teacher, Anchorage School District

Current Position and Past Experience
Kimberly Handy is currently a teacher in the Anchorage School District, a position she has held since 2002.

From 1989-1996, Handy was a Management Specialist with the U.S. Army National Guard Reserves.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Handy earned her BS in Human Services from Wayland Baptist University in 2001. In 2005 she earned her MSEd in Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment from Walden University. In 2010 she earned her MEd in Career and Technical Education from the University of Alaska. In 2012 she earned her MSEd in Curriculum and Instruction from Walden University. In the same year, she earned her EdD in Leadership in Teaching and Learning from Walden University.

Handy holds a Type B Principal Certificate for K-12 and a Superintendent Certificate from the University of Alaska.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Since 1995, Handy has been a Foster Parent with Hope Community Resources.

You can find Handy on Twitter @klh4127. For more information about, and access to her book Sisters In Strength, please click here.

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