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Kayla Schwartz | Presentation Coach

Kayla Schwartz | Presentation Coach

Current Position and Past Experience
Kayla Schwartz operates her own business as a Presentation and Communications Coach. Before beginning her current freelance practice, Schwartz was a founding partner of a speech writing and training company. She has lived and worked in Paris and can coach in French.

Schwartz has worked with numerous corporate clients, including Samsung, Heineken USA, PepsiCo and L’Oreal Paris. She has also delivered seminars to professional associations, the Public Relations Society of America, the Project Management Institute and the New York Society for Certified Public Accountants numbering among them.

Schwartz has also performed as a professional actor, dancer, singer and worked as a choreographer and dance teacher.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Schwartz is a graduate of Smith College where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. She is also a trained and experienced crisis prevention hotline operator.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Kayla Schwartz grew up surrounded by the work of her father—acclaimed media consultant and ad man Tony Schwartz—with whom she worked as a professional writer.

You can find Schwartz on the web via her website.

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Avoiding summer melt