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Author Profile

Kathleen Burke | Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Programs at the Kreiger School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University

Kathleen Burke | Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Programs at the Kreiger School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University

Current Position and Past Experience
Kathleen Burke leads Johns Hopkins University’s part-time graduate programs, Advanced Academic Programs (AAP). Burke came to Johns Hopkins from George Washington University, where she was dean of the College of Professional Studies. Her extensive career in higher education includes a variety of leadership positions, including Dean of the School of Professional Studies at Trinity University; Assistant Vice President for Adult and Continuing Education at Marymount University; founding Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service at Georgia Southern University; and more than 15 years serving in various faculty and administrative positions at the University of Maryland. She also spent more than 7 years in software development and higher education consulting with IBM Corporation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Burke received a PhD in English language and literature from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in English language and literature from Oxford University. Her Bachelor’s Degree is from Loyola University in Maryland, from which she graduated summa cum laude, and was subsequently honored as a Hall of Fame Scholar-Athlete.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Burke has served on the Board of Directors of UPCEA (University Professional and Continuing Education Association), where she served as Southern regional representative, and on the Boards of the YWCA and the Catholic Archdiocese of Savannah, Georgia.

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