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Kate Smith | President, Rio Salado College

Kate Smith | President, Rio Salado College

Current Position and Past Experience
Kate Smith, Ed.D., began serving as Rio Salado College’s sixth president on May 15, 2021, a role she accepted after serving as the college’s interim president since August 2018. With nearly 30 years of experience in education, she is a highly regarded and enthusiastic leader who advocates for student success on all levels. Smith understands the barriers that non-traditional students face and is dedicated to making education affordable, accessible and equitable.

Smith joined Rio Salado in 2016 as the vice president of academic affairs and chief academic officer. In this role she was responsible for adult basic education, community development and partnerships, continuing education, curriculum, early college, faculty, library services, the honors program, incarcerated re-entry programs, institutional research and effectiveness, instructional design, instruction helpdesk, military programs, online and hybrid/blended learning, certificates and degrees and corporate and government partnerships.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Smith holds a doctorate degree in community college leadership from Ferris State University, a master’s degree in mathematical education from the University of Rochester, a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and German from William Smith College and was a 2020-21 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellow.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Smith is passionate about learning, giving back, mathematics and being an active member of her community. She and her husband, Dennis, live in Ahwatukee and enjoy spending time running and hiking Arizona trails.

You can connect with Kate on LinkedIn

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