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Kasey Urquidez | Vice President of Enrollment Management and Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Arizona

Kasey Urquidez | Vice President of Enrollment Management and Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Arizona

Current Position and Past Experience
Kasey Urquidez, Ed.D., currently serves as the Vice President for Enrollment Management as Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Arizona (UA). Since the start of Urquidez’s career in 1994, Urquidez has held several UA enrollment services and leadership positions, including Academic Advisor, Director of New Student Orientation, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Associate Dean of Admissions.

Urquidez is an active member of many regional and national boards. She currently serves as a Commissioner for the Arizona Commission on Postsecondary Education as well as a Commissioner for the Metropolitan Education Commission representing the City of Tucson and Pima County. In addition, Urquidez currently serves as a Trustee for the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona, on the National Hispanic Fund’s Advisory Board for Arizona, and the Cambridge Assessment’s Higher Education Western Regional Council.

Urquidez served as a member of the National Guidance and Admission Assembly Council for the College Board and was elected to the Board of Trustees in October 2017. She also served as a member of the Admissions Practices Committee for the National Association of College Admissions Counseling and on the Take Charge America Institute Board.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Urquidez earned her BS in Family and Consumer Sciences from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and a Master’s degree from the University of Arizona. She also earned a Master’s degree from Chapman University and a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in higher education administration from Northern Arizona University.

In 2012, Urquidez was selected as one of Tucson’s 40 under 40 and received the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award in 2015.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Urquidez has two children, Maricela and Antonio with her husband, Alberto. As avid sports fans, the Urquidez family can be found most weekends engaging in or watching sporting events – most of the time with Maricela or Antonio playing ball!

You can connect with Urquidez through the University of Arizona website, on LinkedIn and on Twitter @kaseyurquidez.

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