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Karen Southall Watts | Contract Trainer, Pacific Community Resources Self-Employment Program

Karen Southall Watts | Contract Trainer, Pacific Community Resources Self-Employment Program

Current Position and Past Experience
Karen Southall Watts has been involved in adult education and training since 1999. She’s worked with many schools in the North Carolina community college system and small business center network. Over the years she’s provided training in corporate environments as well as free workshops in community based programs. Currently she teaches Humanities in the General Education Department and various success skills and academic strategies workshops through the Tutoring Department at Bellingham Technical College.

Watts has spoken to local, national, and international groups about business and educational issues. Her views on adult education have been featured in blogs, media quotes and podcasts all over the world, including the Open Colleges program in Australia, Career College Magazine from the Imagine America Foundation and the Taming the High Cost of College podcast.

Karen is the author of Messenger: The entrepreneur’s guide to communication through Motivational Press and Success in College: Strategies for new grads and non-trads.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Watts earned her BA in Humanities from Louisiana State University, and her MS in Organization Management from Capella University. She has also earned a TEFL certification.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Both locally and internationally Watts takes an interest in charities and organizations that focus on micro lending for business, teaching survival skills and engaging communities in business development.

Watts runs and writes for the AskKaren blog, and can be found on Twitter @askkaren.

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