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Karen Sibley | Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Brown University

Karen Sibley | Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Brown University

Current Position and Past Experience
Karen Sibley is the Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at Brown University, a role she took on in 2019. Sibley has been with Brown since 2003, when she took on the role of Dean of Continuing Education.

Sibley served as the 2013-2014 President for UPCEA.

Education, Honors and Achievements
After earning her BA with honors from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Sibley earned her MAT in English from Brown University in 1981. She earned her EdD in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania in 2003, writing on technology and pedagogy in higher education. She has served as president of the North American Association of Summer Sessions and American University Summer Sessions and held numerous positions within UPCEA.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Engaged with numerous international programs; advisor to Brown’s Equestrian Team

You can find Sibley on Twitter @SibleyKaren and Linkedin.

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