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Karen Greenhaus | Director of Education Technology Outreach, Key Curriculum

Karen Greenhaus | Director of Education Technology Outreach, Key Curriculum

Current Position and Past Experience
Karen Greenhaus has been the Director of Education Technology Outreach since 2011. She has been with Key since 2007, first as the Consultant Coordinator and then as the Professional Development Manager at Key Curriculum Press, a position she held until 2011.

Prior to joining Key Curriculum, Greenhaus was a Math teacher and specialist at the K-12 level in the public school system. She held positions with the Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Chesapeake City Public Schools, Hanover County Public Schools and Chesterfield County Public Schools.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Greenhaus earned her BA in Education in 1988 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She earned her MA in 1993 from Virginia Commonwealth University and expects to earn her Ed.D. in Curriculum and Education Technology at the College of William and Mary in 2013.

Greenhaus has won the Best Buy Te@ch Award in 2004, the Dominion Virginia Power Teacher Grant in 2003 and a Professional Development Grant in 1997 from the Greater Richmond Council of Mathematics Teachers. She has been a presenter and speaker at local, state and national mathematics conferences and events since 1993.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Greenhaus currently lives in Texas with her husband of 21 years and two children.

You can reach Greenhaus on Twitter @vpigreenie and at her personal educational blog . You can also follow her posts at her company blog.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt