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Author Profile

Julie Lindquist | Director of First-Year Writing, Michigan State University

Julie Lindquist | Director of First-Year Writing, Michigan State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Julie Lindquist is a Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures at MSU. She has been the Director of the First-Year Writing Program at Michigan State University since 2012. For the past five years, she has been at work with her colleague Bump Halbritter on LiteracyCorps Michigan, a long-term project researching and documenting the in- and out-of-school literacy experiences of first-year writing students at MSU.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lindquist earned her BA in English in from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1987, and her MA in Theoretical Linguistics in 1989. She earned her PhD in Language, Literacy and Rhetoric from UIC in 1996.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review