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Joshua Kim | Director of Learning and Technology for MHCDS, Dartmouth College

Joshua Kim | Director of Learning and Technology for MHCDS, Dartmouth College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2010, Joshua Kim has been the Director of Learning and Technology at Dartmouth College for Master’s in Health Care Delivery Science Program, the College’s first online blended program which is a joint program between Dartmouth’s Medical School and Business School.

Prior to coming to Dartmouth, Kim was at Quinnipac University, where he helped found Quinnipac University Online. Prior to Qunnipiac, Kim served as a senior producer at’s Education Division. Kim got his start in higher education as a visiting assistant professor at West Virginia University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Kim earned his BS in History from Washington University in St. Louis and his PhD in Demography and Sociology from Brown University in 1995.

You can find Kim online via Twitter @joshmkim and through his blog, Technology and Learning, on Inside Higher Ed.

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