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Author Profile

Joseph Cassidy | Assistant Vice President for Economic Development and Dean of Continuing Education and Public Services, College of DuPage

Joseph Cassidy | Assistant Vice President for Economic Development and Dean of Continuing Education and Public Services, College of DuPage

Current Position and Past Experience
Joseph Cassidy is currently Assistant Vice President for Economic Development and Dean of Continuing Education and Public Services at the College of DuPage. He has been with the College of DuPage for the past nine years. Prior, Cassidy was Assistant VP for the School of Extended Studies at Naropa University and was with the university for nine years. Cassidy has worked at or attended five of the Carnegie higher education types including a not-for-profit private university, a public research institution, a for-profit career college, a religious doctoral granting university and a public community college.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cassidy expects to earn his Doctor of Education – Higher Education from Benedictine University in May of 2020, an MBA in Marketing Management from Westwood College of Technology, as well as a BA from Northern Illinois University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Cassidy serves as Chairman and President of Innovation DuPage, a business incubator and accelerator in Glen Ellyn, IL as well as Treasurer for the DuPage Workforce Board, Treasurer for Learning Resources Network (LERN). Cassidy also serves as a Board member for Choose DuPage, the Northern Illinois Workforce Coalition and as a committee member to the College of DuPage Board of Trustees Auxiliary and Outreach Committee.

You can connect with Joe on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt