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Author Profile

Jorge Rene Diaz | Educational Consultant

Jorge Rene Diaz | Educational Consultant

Current Position and Past Experience
Jorge Rene Diaz currently works as an educational consultant, working to improve efficiency and effectiveness at several universities in the United States and abroad. In his career he has worked closely with the federal Department of Education to develop federal education policy and determine and define institutional needs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Diaz earned his BA in International Relations from Florida International University in 1990, and his MA in Public Administration from the same institution in 1994. In 2006, Diaz earned his Doctor of Education with a focus on Higher Education Administration from Florida International University and in 2007 he earned his PhD in Comparative Theology from St. Luke School.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Diaz enjoys travel and has explored much of Europe and Latin America. He has also visited locations in Africa and the Middle East. Diaz is fluent in English and Spanish and can speak basic French.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review