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Author Profile

Jonathan Tice | Senior Vice President, Destiny Solutions

Jonathan Tice | Senior Vice President, Destiny Solutions

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2009, Jonathan Tice has been the Senior Vice President of Destiny Solutions, where he leads all aspects of customer engagement, diligence and acquisition. In addition, he plays a crucial role in managing Destiny Solutions’ strategic partnerships. His background in telecommunications, media, financial services and global logistics industries provides a fresh perspective in engaging with higher education institutions as they reimagine innovative solutions to their transform their institutions to compete in the 21st century.

Prior to joining Destiny Solutions, Tice served as VP Business Development for Nitido, a provider of massive-scale consumer service provisioning. Before that, Tice was a Vice President at Vizible, where he spearheaded the adoption of next generation (3D) consumer engagement experiences for the media, advertising, education and homeland security sectors. Previously, Tice was a Senior Vice President at Descartes Systems, where he was part of the leadership team that built the world’s first and largest global logistics network to improve supply chain strategies. Tice also served in leadership positions at Netscape and Oracle.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tice received a Bachelor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Tice is actively involved with numerous industry associations focused on leadership in non-traditional higher education including the National University Technology Network (NUTN) and University of Professional & Continuing Education (UPCEA).

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