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Author Profile

Jon Felperin | Director, Upskilling Academics

Jon Felperin | Director, Upskilling Academics

Current Position and Past Experience
Jon Felperin is the Director of Upskilling Academics, a subsidiary of Align Degree Services. His education company, Soluciones Educativas, based in Central America, represents the CASAS Assessment System in Latin America. He will soon volunteer his time to instruct in the Arts and Sciences Division of the tuition–free, University of the People.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Felperin earned his MA in English from TESOL and his BA in Economics and International Relations from San Francisco State University.

He has also earned California Elementary and Secondary Teaching Credentials.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Felperin is married with two daughters. He is also a Fifth degree black belt in Hapkido Karate.

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