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Johnna Herrick-Phelps | Vice President for Online Education, Champlain College

Johnna Herrick-Phelps | Vice President for Online Education, Champlain College

Current Position and Past Experience
Johnna Herrick-Phelps, Ph.D., currently serves as Vice President for Online Education at Champlain College Online (CCO) where she leads more than 60 online academic programs. Previously, she was Assistant Provost for Online Education.

Prior to joining CCO, Johnna served at Granite State College for six years. Her roles there included Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Director of Graduate Leadership Studies, and Interim Vice Provost. She also spent many years as a principal of JH Phelps & Associates, where she consulted for public and private organizations in the areas of leadership development, executive coaching, change management, and diversity in the workplace.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Johnna holds a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University, a M.S. in Organizational Management and Leadership for Springfield College, and a M.A. in Human Development from Fielding Graduate University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In her free time, Johnna enjoys playing the French horn and has played with various musical ensembles over the years.

You can connect with Johnna on LinkedIn

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