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Author Profile

John Wilkerson | Director of International Admissions, Indiana University Bloomington

John Wilkerson | Director of International Admissions, Indiana University Bloomington

Current Position and Past Experience
John Wilkerson currently serves as Director of International Admissions at Indiana University Bloomington. Before taking on the role at Indiana, Wilkerson served in the same position at the University of Missouri.

He has previously served as Director of Study Abroad for the Missouri School of Journalism, and as Director of Admissions for Columbia College in Columbia, Missouri.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Wilkerson holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology/sociology from Columbia College and a Master of Education in counseling psychology from Stephens College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
He is active in the international higher education arena, serving in a number of volunteer leadership roles with the Council of International Schools, NAFSA: Association of International Educators and the Overseas Association of College Admissions Counselors.

For past work by Wilkerson, please see this blog post he wrote for U.S. News & World Report.

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