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Author Profile

John Mason | CEO, ACS Distance Education and Publishing

John Mason | CEO, ACS Distance Education and Publishing

Current Position and Past Experience
John Mason is currently the CEO of ACS Distance Education and Publishing, as well as the Director of the ACS Affiliated Colleges Network. He has been the Principal of ACS Distance Education since 1979 and the Chairman of the International Accreditation and Recognition Council since 2001. From 1973-1981, Mason was also Lecturer at the Council of Adult Education.

Mason has vast experience in the field of civic horticulture; he got his start at the Superintendant of Parks and Gardens for the Shire of Melton, near Melbourne, Australia in 1973. In 1976, he became the Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Essondon, a position he held for one year before moving on to become a Playground Designer and Developer for the Playgrounds and Recreation Association of Victoria—where he stayed until 1980.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mason earned his Diploma in Horticultural Science in 2008 from Burnley Horticultural College. He earned his Parks Supervision Certification from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 1976.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Mason was the State President and National Vice President of the Australian Institute of Horticulture. He was made a fellow of that organization, and has been honored with the same role with the UK Institute of Horticulture.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt