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Author Profile

John Aubrey Douglass | Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley

John Aubrey Douglass | Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley

Current Position and Past Experience
John Douglass is the Senior Research Fellow for Public Policy and Higher Education at UC Berkeley’s Center for Studies in Higher Education. He is the co-editor of Globalization’s Muse: Universities and Higher Education Systems in a Changing World (Public Policy Press, 2009), and the author of The Conditions for Admissions (Stanford Press 2007) and The California Idea and American Higher Education (Stanford University Press, 2000; published in Chinese in 2008 and Japanese 2013).

He has been a Visiting Professor at Amsterdam University College (a unit of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije University of Amsterdam), at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil), at Sciences Po (Paris) and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Oxford Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (OxCHEPS).

He also serves as a consultant on issues related to institutional strategic planning, access and academic program quality assurance. Prior to coming to CSHE and Berkeley in 1996, he served as the chief policy analyst for the University of California's Systemwide Academic Senate and held teaching and research positions at the University of California - Santa Barbara campus.

For more information on his research, publications, and professional activities, please see Douglass’s faculty homepage.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review