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Author Profile

John Deupree | Executive Director, American International Recruitment Council

John Deupree | Executive Director, American International Recruitment Council

Current Position and Past Experience
John Deupree is the Executive Director of the American International Recruitment Council. He has held this position since 2009.

Prior to this, Deupree served as the Senior Advisor to the President on International Initiatives at Westfield State College, Senior Vice President at The Scholar Ship, Senior Research Leader for the development of the American University of Afghanistan, and as Director of International Education at The College Board He has lived in Japan and Germany, traveled extensively, and has a broad understanding of global international recruitment strategies

Education, Honors and Achievements
Deupree attended Kalamazoo College from 1969-1973. He received his M.A. in International Education Administration from American University in 1982.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Deupree owns a home in the West Virginia mountains and enjoys a outdoor activities in all four seasons.

John Deupree can be found on LinkedIn. To learn more about the AIRC, please visit their website.

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