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Author Profile

Jim Repass | Student Services Coordinator, MedTech College

Jim Repass | Student Services Coordinator, MedTech College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2010, Jim Repass has served as an Instructor and Student Services Advisor at Medtech College. Currently he serves as an instructor and is the coordinator for the Students Services and the Learning Resource Center at Medtech College, Greenwood, Indiana.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jim Repass earned his M.Ed. from Keiser University in 2011, and is currently continuing with Keiser University working towards his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jim Repass believes that every college is an important aspect of the community. He coordinates with the Red Cross to establish regular blood drives on campus. In addition, has started the Medtech food pantry, and helps abused students find help through the Julian Center shelter of Indianapolis.

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed