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Author Profile

Jenna Leventoff | Policy Analyst for the Workforce Data Quality Campaign, National Skills Coalition

Jenna Leventoff | Policy Analyst for the Workforce Data Quality Campaign, National Skills Coalition

Current Position and Past Experience
Jenna Leventoff is a Policy Analyst for the Workforce Data Quality Campaign at the National Skills Coalition. Before stepping into her current role, Jenna served as an Associate at Upturn analyzing the civil rights implications of new technologies. She started her career as Manager and Legal Counsel of the International Intellectual Property Institute.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jenna earned her J.D., cum laude, and B.A. in Political Science and English from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In her spare time, Jenna enjoys yoga and experimenting with new recipes. She is also learning how to become a “fine improvisational actor” through her involvement in DC’s Improv comedy community.

Learn more about Jenna Leventoff via National Skills Coalition website.

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