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Jeff King | Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Transformative Teaching and Learning, University of Central Oklahoma

Jeff King | Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Transformative Teaching and Learning, University of Central Oklahoma

Current Position and Past Experience
Jeff King is currently Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Tranformative Teaching and Learning at the University of Central Oklahoma and has been in this position since 2012. Prior, he was Director in The Koehler Center for Teaching Excellence Texas Christian University for four years. He also served as faculty and Faculty Development Director at The Art Institute of Dallas for 15 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
King holds a Doctor of Education from the University of North Texas.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jeff enjoys making a great pan of paella every now and then. Because he is privileged to be in contact with higher education colleagues around the world, he delights in stepping away occasionally from a U.S.-centric postsecondary mindset to appreciate other systems and perspectives.

You can connect with Jeff on LinkedIn

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Driving modern student success in higher ed