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Author Profile

James Jacobs | President, Macomb Community College

James Jacobs | President, Macomb Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
James Jacobs has been the president of Macomb Community College since 2008. Prior to this, Jacobs served as the associate director of the Community College Research Center at Columbia University, a position he held for eight years.

Jacobs serves on the Governor’s Talent Investment Board, which advises Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on job creation and talent development and retention. Additionally, he is a past president of the National Council for Workforce Education, a national post-secondary organization of occupational education and workforce development specialists, and currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Community College Research Center and Community College Advisory Panel to the Educational Testing Service in Princeton New Jersey.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jacobs earned his PhD from Princeton University.

Jacobs was awarded the 2013 Marian C. Noland Award for Nonprofit Leadership by the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan. He was also named to the Macomb Hall of Fame in 2010.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jacobs sits on several local boards, including the Center for Automotive Research, Metropolitan Affairs Council, the Macomb Inter-Faith Action Center, United Way, St. John Hospital and Detroit Institute of Arts.

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