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Author Profile

James Hinton | Master’s Student, Boise State University

James Hinton | Master’s Student, Boise State University

Current Position and Past Experience
James Hinton is currently a Master’s student at Boise State University. He also serves as a Content Creation and Networking Specialist with Page One Power.

Prior to this, Hinton was a Joint Operations Center Operator with Idaho Joint Forces Head Quarters. He served with the US Army as 15X30 Apache Armament and Electric Repairer for eight years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hinton received his B.A. from Boise State University in 2009. He is currently completing his MA at the University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his off time, Hinton enjoys participation as a member of a local Irish music group. In quiet moments he spends time writing fiction for his own personal amusement

James Hinton can be found on LinkedIn.

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