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Author Profile

Jack Mills | Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, CAEL

Jack Mills | Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, CAEL

Current Position and Past Experience
Jack Mills is currently Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer at CAEL. Previously, he was Senior Vice President of Partnerships, Impact and Insights. provides direction for, and leads, the organization's strategy and collaborative work with stakeholders in the adult learning and work ecosystem. He directly oversees these CAEL operational areas: partnerships, research/impact, and innovation; initiatives, solutions, and operations; membership, events, and communications; funding, development planning; and community affairs.

Most recently, Mills served as chief strategy and innovation officer for Partner4Work, the leader of the public workforce system for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. He also has served as senior advisor for workforce systems and director of the National Network of Sector Partners (NNSP) at the Insight Center for Community Economic Development, a national research and economic justice organization. Mills earlier held leadership positions at Jobs for the Future, the Office of Workforce Development at the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. At Partner4Work, Mills led teams that brought together partnerships in healthcare, information technology and six other industries, raising millions in foundation, public sector, and corporate funding. As the NNSP's director, Mills launched long-term local, state, and regional partnerships, securing millions for program development and collaborating with other national organizations to increase state policy and funding support for industry partnerships in 26 states.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mills holds a bachelor of arts in social anthropology and a master of public administration in workforce development and economic development from Harvard University.

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