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Author Profile

Iris Palmer | Senior Policy Analyst for Education, New America Foundation

Iris Palmer | Senior Policy Analyst for Education, New America Foundation

Current Position and Past Experience
Iris Palmer is a senior policy analyst with New America’s Education Policy Program. She provides research and analysis on state policies related to higher education including performance based funding, state student financial aid, and state data systems.

Palmer previously worked at the National Governors Association on postsecondary issues. There she helped states strengthen the connection between higher education and the workforce, support competency based systems, use data from effectiveness and efficiency metrics and improve licensure for veterans.

Prior to joining NGA, she worked at HCM Strategists on the Lumina Foundation’s initiative to develop innovative higher education models, including new technologies and competency-based approaches. Before joining HCM Strategists, Palmer worked at the US Department of Education in all of the offices related to higher education: the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, the Office of Postsecondary Education, the Policy Office and the Office of the Undersecretary.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Iris received her undergraduate degree in Political Science from Goucher College and her Masters of Public Policy from George Mason.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Palmer enjoys painting watercolors and spending quality with her husband Michael in their neighborhood of Old Town Alexandria.

Iris Palmer can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter.

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