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India Lane | Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Success, University of Tennessee System

India Lane | Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Success, University of Tennessee System

Current Position and Past Experience
India Lane is the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Success at the University of Tennessee System. She has held this position since 2011. Lane is also a professor of medicine at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine.

Lane had previously served as director of the Office of Educational Enhancement in the UT College of Veterinary Medicine.

Prior to joining the university, she had worked in Canada as service chief in companion animal medicine at the Atlantic Veterinary College Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Prince Edward Island as an assistant professor at the college.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lane earned her MS from Colorado State University. She completed her Ed.D. at the University of Tennessee and her DVM at the University of Georgia.

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