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Helen B. Garrett | University Registrar and Chief Officer of Enrollment Information Services, University of Washington

Helen B. Garrett | University Registrar and Chief Officer of Enrollment Information Services, University of Washington

Current Position and Past Experience
Helen B Garrett is currently University Registrar and Chief Officer of Enrollment Information Services at the University of Washington and has been in this position since 2016.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Garrett holds a Doctor of Education in Community College Leadership from Oregon State University. She also has a Master of Arts in College and University Administration, along with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management, both from Michigan State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Garrett enjoys time with her family and two cats, learning Hindi in preparation for a return to India this fall, peer mentoring with colleagues and assisting college applicants to apply to college.

You can connect with Helen on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt