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Hal Higdon | Chancellor, Ozarks Technical Community College System

Hal Higdon | Chancellor, Ozarks Technical Community College System

Current Position and Past Experience
Hal Higdon, Ph.D., is the Ozarks Technical Community College System's chancellor and president of the OTC Springfield Campus. In 2006, when Dr. Higdon became just the second CEO in OTC's history, the college had fewer than 10,000 students; but enrollment grew during his tenure to a peak of more than 15,000 students. Under his leadership, the OTC system has grown to include six locations throughout southwest Missouri along with a robust online program.

Before his time at OTC, Dr. Higdon served 13 years in administration with Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. He also worked in human resources and workforce training at Alabama's Faulkner State Community College and spent several years in private business.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Higdon holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration and a Master of Education in Education Administration from The University of Southern Mississippi. As an undergraduate, Dr. Higdon attended The University of Alabama, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Throughout his career, Dr. Higdon has been heavily involved in a variety of community service organizations. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Cox Health Systems, the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and the Burrell Behavioral Health Board. He is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Advisory Board – a national honor society for community college students.

Dr. Higdon is a proud father and grandfather. On Saturdays in the fall, you will find Dr. Higdon cheering on his Alabama Crimson Tide on the gridiron.

You can connect with Hal on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook

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