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Author Profile

Greg Witkowski | Instructor, Kaplan Career Institute

Greg Witkowski | Instructor, Kaplan Career Institute

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2003, Greg Witkowski has been an Instructor at Kaplan Career Institute where he teaches college composition, business writing, interpersonal communication and career planning. His first teaching experience was in 2001 when he was an Instructor at the Everest Institute (formerly Duff’s Business Institute). Witkowski is also a freelance writer who has been published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and has two short stories on the way.

While working at Kaplan, Witkowski spent a year as the Product Manager at the Agency Motor Club. Prior to that, from 1997-2004, Witkowski was an Assistant Bank Officer at Mellon Financial.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Witkowski earned his BA in English (Magna cum Laude) from Point Park University in 2000. From 2001-2003 Witkowski took a series of graduate courses in journalism and curriculum and instructional design.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Since 2008, Witkowski has been the Director for a Mixed Junior Golf League, where he organizes the youth golf league and manages an all-volunteer team. Witkowski is also a member of the Kaplan Toastmasters, a group he founded.

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