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Author Profile

George Siemens | Executive Director of the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab, University of Texas at Arlington

George Siemens | Executive Director of the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab, University of Texas at Arlington

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2013, George Siemens has served as the Executive Director of the LINK Lab at the University of Texas at Arlington. This followed four years at Athabasca University, where he was the Director of the university’s Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute.

Prior to this, Siemens was the Associate Director of the Learning Technologies Centre at the University of Manitoba.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Siemens earned his MA from Royal Roads University and, in 2011, he earned a PhD from the University of Aberdeen. He also earned an Honorary Doctorate from the Universidad de San Martin de Porres in Lima, Peru.

Articles by this author:

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