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George Irvine | Assistant Director of Organizational Learning Solutions, University of Delaware

George Irvine | Assistant Director of Organizational Learning Solutions, University of Delaware

Current Position and Past Experience
George Irvine is currently the Assistant Director of Organizational Learning Solutions in the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware. He has held this position since 2008. Irvine is pursuing his Ph.D. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy at the University’s School of Public Policy and Administration, where he also serves as an instructor.

Before joining the University, Irvine was the Associate Director of Asia Pacific Programs at the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise of the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina. He also served as a Senior Program Manager for the Institute of International Education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Irvine completed his BA in European history at Wesleyan University in 1991. In 1996, he earned his MA, with honors, in International Relations at the University of Chicago – Committee on International Relations.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Irvine has served in various leadership roles in the University Professional and Continuing Studies Association. He also serves on the Conservation Advisory Committee of the City of Newark, Delaware. He loves playing competitive tennis, going camping with his family, and building Lego creations with his two sons.

George Irvine can be found on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt