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Gangaram Singh | Executive Vice President and Provost, National University

Gangaram Singh | Executive Vice President and Provost, National University

Current Position and Past Experience
Gangaram Singh is currently Executive Vice President and Provost at National University. He joined National University in 2014 as associate provost and was named provost the following year. As provost, Singh serves as chief academic officer to the president, strengthening academic infrastructure for the next generation of adult learners.

Previously Singh served as professor, department chair, associate dean, and interim dean with San Diego State University’s (SDSU) College of Business Administration. Prior to SDSU, he taught human resources management at Case Western University, and he formerly served on the City of San Diego’s Citizens Review and Economic Competitiveness Commission.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Singh holds a doctorate and master’s degree in industrial relations, as well as an MBA from the University of Toronto. He received his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Windsor.

He has been published in over 70 academic and practitioner journals and his collaborative leadership efforts achieved notable results, including the school being named in the Top 100 for the College of Business Administration’s MBA program.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Singh’s community service includes serving as a Board member on the Marketing Committee of Sharp Hospital. He is also on the Board of the Jacobs and Cushman San Diego Food Bank. He is very active in the local cricket community, serving as the San Diego Cricket Club president. Along with 4 of his colleagues, Dr. Singh purchased the San Diego Surf Riders, one of 23 Minor League Cricket (MiLC) franchises affiliated with Major League Cricket (MLC).

You can connect with Gangaram on LinkedIn

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