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Frank Mulgrew | President of the Online Education Institute, Post University

Frank Mulgrew | President of the Online Education Institute, Post University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2005, Frank Mulgrew has been with Post University. He currently serves as the President of Post University’s Online Education Institute. He has held a variety of posts at the University, including Vice President for Academic Affairs, Director of Online Programs, and Director of Educational Development.

Prior to this Mr. Mulgrew worked at Drexel University for over 8 years in a variety of positions, Mulgrew served as a Content Manager with Drexel University Online, Assistant Director of Graduate Programs in Business at the LeBow College of Business, Drexel University.

He has consulted with large and small universities and companies on strategic education initiatives, instructional design and development, online learning, and assessment of learning.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mr. Mulgrew earned his BA in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1993. In 1994, he earned his Master’s in Philosophy from the University of Glasgow. He has taught university courses in political philosophy, philosophy of science, creativity and innovation, complexity, instructional design and the future of education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Mr. Mulgrew is a member of Knights of Columbus and is involved in and deeply concerned with issues of hunger and poverty, in particular in the greater Philadelphia region. He has worked with and/or organized events with Toys for Tots, Philabundance, and the United Way. His latest interests are in emerging brain science as related to creativity and learning, soccer (Glasgow Celtic), and playing music. He is a supporter of the Philadelphia Orchestra.

You can connect with Mulgrew through LinkedIn.

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