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Faye L. Lesht | Research Associate, Excelsior College

Faye L. Lesht | Research Associate, Excelsior College

Current Position and Past Experience
Faye L. Lesht serves in the role of Research Associate at Excelsior College

Previously, Lesht was the Research Associate Professor at Marquette University. It began at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois), where she started as Program Coordinator in Extramural Programs, then becoming Head of Academic Outreach and later Interim Director of the Office of Online and Continuing Education. She ended her career at Illinois in the role of Associate Director, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. During her career at Illinois she also periodically taught courses for the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership in the College of Education, and that continues. In 2017 she retired from Illinois and became a Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Extension. It was there where she oversaw a multi-institutional research project on the giving patterns of alumni of online programs. Currently, she is collaborating on research related to factors influencing satisfaction on the part of online students as well as continuing research related to alumni of online programs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Faye earned her baccalaureate degree in 1978 at Washington University in St. Louis, where she majored in Psychology. Her master’s (1981) and doctoral (1987) degrees were earned at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her master’s degree was in the area of adult and continuing education, and her doctoral degree focused on the administration of continuing higher education. She has received a number of honors and recognitions throughout her career as well as publication of her work.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Faye enjoys spending time with her wife, Joyce, and their dog, Buddy. She also likes to birdwatch, cook, read, and travel. She serves on the boards of two non-profit organizations in the Champaign-Urbana area.

You can connect with Faye L. Lesht on LinkedIn

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