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Author Profile

Erin Knight | Senior Director of Learning, Mozilla

Erin Knight | Senior Director of Learning, Mozilla

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2010, Erin Knight has been the Senior Director of Learning at the Mozilla Foundation, where she leads the Webmaker Learning and Open Badges initiatives. She also worked from 2009-2011 as the Principal Researcher and Research Director for the Center for Next Generation Teaching and Learning.

From 2003-2006, Knight worked with Blackboard, first as the Manager of Marketing Communications and then as the Senior Manager of Web Operations with Blackboard Beyond. She has also held positions with Student Advantage as the University Marketing Manager and with Discovery Education as the Marketing Manager for Unitedstreaming.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Knight earned her BA in Psychology from Colby College in 2000. In 2010 she earned her MIMS in Human-Computer Interaction from UC Berkeley.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Knight lives in Portland, Maine with her husband, her one-year old son and two chocolate Labradors.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt