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Erika Orris | Chief Enrollment and Marketing Officer, University of Maryland University College

Erika Orris | Chief Enrollment and Marketing Officer, University of Maryland University College

Current Position and Past Experience
Erika Orris is Chief Enrollment and Marketing Officer at the University of Maryland University College, overseeing the university’s Offices of Marketing, New Student Admissions, Advising Operations and Corporate and Government Partnerships. Prior to being appointed to this position in September 2017, Orris was Senior Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Management at the University of Maryland University College. A veteran administrator, Orris’s career has focused on helping students achieve their educational goals. From 2008 to 2016, Orris served as Vice President of Enrollment Management at DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of Management, where she built an acclaimed advisor training program, spearheaded the development of a digital self-serivce portal for student enrollment, and oversaw the development of hundreds of corporate, college and high school partnerships. Prior to this, Orris held various positions at The Art Institutes, culminating in a two-year tenure as President, where she was responsible for providing executive leadership and building out the Institutes’ program offerings.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Orris is currently completing her MBA in Business Administration and Management from the University of Maryland University College, and a BA in Political Science and Government from the University of Pittsburgh.

You can connect with Erika Orris on LinkedIn.

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