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Author Profile

Eric Denna | Vice President for Information Technology, University of Maryland

Eric Denna | Vice President for Information Technology, University of Maryland

Current Position and Past Experience
Eric Denna is the Vice President of Information Technology at the University of Maryland, as well as the Chief Information Officer at the University. Denna serves as an Advisor at LucidChart, Above Training, Knod, Enerylyte, and others. He also serves as Vice-Chair of the Kuali Foundation.

Denna was the Chief Information Officer at the University of Utah and the System of Higher Education, and as the Interim Chief Human Resource Officer at the University of Utah. He was also Co-chair of the Utah Education Board.

Eric has worked with Ernst&Whinney, CoopersLybrand, and Price Waterhouse as a consultant and has many of his own consulting clients. He has written several books, academic, and professional articles and is a well known speaker.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Denna received his BS and MS from Brigham Young University in 1984. In 1988, he completed his PhD in Information Systems/Computer Science from Michigan State University, where he was a Coopers and Lybrand Doctoral Scholar.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Eric loves to ski, hike, remodel houses, sing with his wife, garden, write, read, and invest. He and his wife Lyn are the parents of seven children and 11 grandchildren.

Eric Denna can be found on LinkedIn.

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