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Eric A. Bullard | Dean of Continuing Education and UCLA Extension, University of California - Los Angeles

Eric A. Bullard | Dean of Continuing Education and UCLA Extension, University of California - Los Angeles

Current Position and Past Experience
Eric Bullard is currently Dean of Continuing Education and UCLA Extension at the University of California - Los Angeles. Previously he spent five years as Associate Vice President of International Programs and Global Engagement and Dean of the College of Professional and Global Education at California State University – Los Angeles. Before UCLA, Bullard served as Associate Dean of the College of Continuing and Professional Education at California State University – Long Beach. He also spent five years at California State University – San Marcos as Assistant Dean and Associate Dean of Extended Learning.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bullard holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education and Human Resource Studies from Colorado State University. He completed his Master of Public Administration and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from California State University – Bakersfield.

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Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt