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Author Profile

Emily Boles | eLearning Specialist, University of Illinois, Springfield

Emily Boles | eLearning Specialist, University of Illinois, Springfield

Current Position and Past Experience
Emily Boles is currently an eLearning Specialist at the University of Illinois Springfield. In 2006, Emily Boles joined the University of Illinois Springfield’s Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service. Prior to her current position, Boles served as a Documentation Specialist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Emily frequently presents on effective online teaching, open educational resources, education technology, and generative AI in class. She has previously facilitated of webinars and programs with The Sloan Consortium (now The Online Learning Consortium) and ION Professional eLearning (Illinois Online Network).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Boles earned her BA in English from Illinois College in 2003. She has completed graduate work information and library science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Boles lives in rural Illinois and serves on two local boards to support literacy and schools in her community.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt