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Author Profile

Elizabeth Scott | Program Director for Business and Professional Programs, University of Calgary

Elizabeth Scott | Program Director for Business and Professional Programs, University of Calgary

Current Position and Past Experience
Elizabeth Scott is a Program Director for Business and Professional Programs at the University of Calgary Continuing Education. She has served in this role since 2005.

Prior to this, Elizabeth was an Executive Coach at BalancePoint Partners Inc.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Elizabeth earned a BSc at the University of Calgary in 1995. In 2002, she completed her Masters in Continuing Education at the University of Calgary. In 2004, Elizabeth achieved an Executive Coaching designation from Royal Roads University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Elizabeth loves to spend time in nature so in her spare time, she can be found working in her garden. Elizabeth is an avid music fan and has traveled to various locations to attend concerts and musical events.

Elizabeth Scott can be found on LinkedIn.

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